Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fear & Faith

A friend of mine updated her facebook status with the following quote:

"Fear imprisons; faith liberates. Fear paralyzes; faith empowers. Fear disheartens; faith encourages. Fear sickens; faith heals. Fear makes useless; faith makes serviceable." - Henry Emerson Fosdick

About Rebecca...

Who is this Rebecca? Why does she ramble?

Such complicated questions. ;) I'm a wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, godmother, photographer, student. Those are the biggies. In May of 2005 I married the most wonderful man out there, Jake. Well, for those of you who don't know him well yet, it's Jacob. But he's just Jake to me. I live in Kent, WA (Seattle suburb) and work in the city. My dad and younger brothers still live in the same county, but my mama lives in Arizona. I miss her a lot.

I wish I could intelligently explain why I ramble... The reality is that I like to talk. I often speak out loud to myself. Reminders, exclamations, etc. Perhaps as this blog develops we'll discover together why I ramble. One can always hope. :)

Welcome to Rebecca's ramblings...


This blog is going to be a place where I share quotes, thoughts, letters to my goddaughter, experiences serving in youth ministry, etc. Come on over and hang out a while. I'd love to create dialogue about the topics shared here.

All the best,