Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday values...

I'm participating in a forum learning to create a project (I think a scrapbook/album thing) for the holidays. The first part of the assignment is to think about what values are important to me during the holiday season. Here's my list:
  • family
  • togetherness
  • thankfulness
  • joy
  • giving
  • laughter
Of all the things that could be associated with the holidays, these are the things I value and cherish most. The times when we're all together (with either family!) and we spend time talking, laughing, playing games and just in general, being family. I love that. I love the way our small group is becoming another family for us. Families should be the places and people with whom we can be most ourselves and still be loved and accepted. I'm so thankful for all that I consider family.

What do you value during the madness of the holiday season?

Book review: Confessions from an Honest Wife

I stopped in a my local library a few weeks ago and took a look through their Christian book section. I randomly picked up Confessions from an Honest Wife: On the mess, mystery & miracle of marriage by Sarah Zacharias Davis. It's so reassuring to know that the strongest marriages go through incredible trials. I'm not the only wife who feels frustrated with her husband at times. I want to share a few snippets over the next few days... Here is the first -

"It's been said that a marriage that lasts has stood the test of time, but I don't think time is a test. Time is a gift - a gift because change, growth, and compromise don't happen quickly. They come with time, and you've got to have time to work things out."

It's SO EASY to think of time as a commodity. We spend it, waste it, invest it, bank it... But rarely do we consider what a precious gift it is. Those that know me know that I want to be a mother, and I want it right now. After reading this passage I've been challenged to see and really appreciate the time that my husband and I have had and continue to have to build our marriage and strengthen the depth of our relationship. I know that when we do have children, they'll be blessed because of it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

5 Ways to Improve Your Daily Life from SCORE Women's Success Blog

This morning I was checking out blogs in my google reader (LOVE IT!) and found this article. Quoted below:

As we spend more time at work and continue to feel the pressures of how to cope with daily stresses consider these tips that can improve your life.

  1. Do something for someone else. It can be rewarding and nurturing others can reduce stress.
  2. Meditate: it only takes 10 minutes, sit comfortably, relax and focus on your breath with your eyes closed and your hands facing up on your lap
  3. Spend quality time with others
  4. Move more…exercise has been shown to elevate moods
  5. Change your way of thinking…”how we think affects how we feel” Interrupt negative thoughts and replace them with constructive positive thoughts.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can incorporate these 5 things into our lives. Comment away!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daily message from God... A new facebook app...

I saw that my friend R on facebook added a new thing - Daily message from God. And today what God wanted R to know is

"... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!"

How true that is. If we KNEW everything about how a situation would work out, what would be the point of faith? How would we strengthen, deepen and grow in our faith?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fear & Faith

A friend of mine updated her facebook status with the following quote:

"Fear imprisons; faith liberates. Fear paralyzes; faith empowers. Fear disheartens; faith encourages. Fear sickens; faith heals. Fear makes useless; faith makes serviceable." - Henry Emerson Fosdick

About Rebecca...

Who is this Rebecca? Why does she ramble?

Such complicated questions. ;) I'm a wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, godmother, photographer, student. Those are the biggies. In May of 2005 I married the most wonderful man out there, Jake. Well, for those of you who don't know him well yet, it's Jacob. But he's just Jake to me. I live in Kent, WA (Seattle suburb) and work in the city. My dad and younger brothers still live in the same county, but my mama lives in Arizona. I miss her a lot.

I wish I could intelligently explain why I ramble... The reality is that I like to talk. I often speak out loud to myself. Reminders, exclamations, etc. Perhaps as this blog develops we'll discover together why I ramble. One can always hope. :)

Welcome to Rebecca's ramblings...


This blog is going to be a place where I share quotes, thoughts, letters to my goddaughter, experiences serving in youth ministry, etc. Come on over and hang out a while. I'd love to create dialogue about the topics shared here.

All the best,