Monday, November 16, 2009

Book review: Confessions from an Honest Wife

I stopped in a my local library a few weeks ago and took a look through their Christian book section. I randomly picked up Confessions from an Honest Wife: On the mess, mystery & miracle of marriage by Sarah Zacharias Davis. It's so reassuring to know that the strongest marriages go through incredible trials. I'm not the only wife who feels frustrated with her husband at times. I want to share a few snippets over the next few days... Here is the first -

"It's been said that a marriage that lasts has stood the test of time, but I don't think time is a test. Time is a gift - a gift because change, growth, and compromise don't happen quickly. They come with time, and you've got to have time to work things out."

It's SO EASY to think of time as a commodity. We spend it, waste it, invest it, bank it... But rarely do we consider what a precious gift it is. Those that know me know that I want to be a mother, and I want it right now. After reading this passage I've been challenged to see and really appreciate the time that my husband and I have had and continue to have to build our marriage and strengthen the depth of our relationship. I know that when we do have children, they'll be blessed because of it.

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